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For Families

Nebraska Childcare Referral Network

How do you find the licensed child care providers in a community?

Check out the Nebraska Childcare Referral network where you can search by address!

Read for Resilience

Supporting Young Children’s Coping with Storybooks

Caregivers play an important role in young children’s emotional development in addition to helping them cope. Using children’s literature in an interactive way, caregivers can help children heal. Using an engaging format, Read for Resilience may help children better understand their experiences and improve their coping skills.
The Learning Child (TLC) team has identified books to support children’s coping and understanding of their feelings after experiencing a major stressor, disaster, loss, and/or grief.
Free storybook reading guides accompany the books. The guides provide adults with suggested activities and probing questions to help children personally connect with the experiences of the characters in the books.

Are mealtimes with children difficult at your home?

EAT: Family Style @ Home

Dr. Dipti Dev and a team of Nebraska Extension Educators from the University of Nebraska are excited to announce the launch of a new virtual learning platform, EAT Family Style @ Home! The website is now live and houses fun videos and resources for parents with children of all ages, helping YOU create memorable mealtimes. Check out the EAT Family Style @ Home website and create memorable mealtimes with your family.

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Diaper Stop

A Resource of The Clothing Closet

The Diaper Stop, located within The Clothing Closet at the First Christian Church in Burwell [817 J St] is able to provide families in need with diapers. The intent is not to provide entire supplies of diapers, but help bridge the gap between paychecks. One package of diapers per child using them in the family is available. The Diaper Stop and Clothing Closet are open Fridays from 1:00-5:00pm.

Additionally, if you are able to donate diapers, wipes, or money for further purchases or are interested in volunteering, call Sonja at 308-750-7085 to arrange a drop off time! Thank you!

For Providers

Fit and Healthy Kids Early Childhood Conference

Take your learning to a new level with a Zoom conference designed to help you create and move in your own living room! Do you find yourself living in a stress-filled and hectic life? We often find ourselves in a hurry to do and achieve so many things – trying to balance work, family, social lives and more. It is time to start taking care of YOU! Please join us for the Mind, Body and Soul virtual conference. You will enjoy the hands-on activities and mindfulness activities that are not only for you but also for the children you care for. The cost of the conference is $15.00. 

These classes are accepted in Nebraska, Iowa, Georgia and South Dakota.

Family Child Care Provider Training


Early Childhood Classes

There are several opportunities to gain continuing education hours through these UNL Extension on-demand videos. Some class titles include, "Designing a “Maker Space” in Early Childhood," "Baby STEM Zero to Three," "Fun with Numbers….Leads to Math" (3-5 year olds), and more!

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